Channeling Fearlessness
Hello! For the longest time I have kept this blog privatized, being too insecure to allow my thoughts and feelings to be so exposed to those around me, but I have finally come to the point in life where I want to give my creative project the space and recognition I always envisioned it would have. As I continue to grow as an individual and solidify my purpose on this planet, my one steady goal in mind has been to leave a positive footprint in this world through my words. My ultimate dream is to dedicate my life to soaking up as many culturally diverse experiences as possible and then writing about them so that they are accessible to as many people as possible, in an effort to hopefully bridge the gaps between populations and blur the divisions among all of us. By the end of my lifetime, I hope that this world is more cohesive, empathetic, and receptive than when I entered it. So in correlation with what I am doing by releasing this blog, I have chosen to make this post all about being fearless and being your own biggest supporter.
Newport Beach, CA // November 2017
My entire life I have dealt with insecurities and the fears that come along with the lack of confidence. Throughout my life, there always seemed to be questions looming in the back of my mind of whether or not people around me genuinely liked me, and essentially I just rarely trusted that I was being positively perceived. Until college, I naturally never felt as though I truly fit in with people in my same age range and I could never seem to find that place in the world where I was truly accepted. I feel like that has played a large role in my anxieties with food, since it was one of the only things I could control and I could at least make sure that I “looked” good even if I doubted people liked what was beneath the surface. Recently, I started to feel old insecurities slowly try to creep back in, but then I remembered that I have the power, just like everyone else, to choose to be fearless and pave my own path.
I think what I am trying to say, is that as individuals, we have every right to love and support ourselves. Why can’t we act in ways that make us happy and say things we think are funny without feeling ashamed? Lately, the closer to my heart that I have lived my life, the more I have attracted people who genuinely care and want to be around me. Not only that, but my confidence has remained steady and therefore it is easier to ignore people who aren’t as openly accepting. Being confident in yourself is something that has the potential to transcend to a level of visibility, taking the form of a noticeable glow that almost acts as a protective bubble that only magnetizes positivity as you go through the ins and outs of daily life. It becomes easier to find happiness in even the smallest parts of life when you find contentment with yourself. When you have established that you have in yourself someone who will always love you, will always laugh at what you think is funny, and will always believe in your abilities and dreams, life becomes so much more manageable and carefree.
Berkeley, CA // September 2017
Essentially, life is not a competition and we have to choose to live our lives for ourselves. I know the topics that I write about won’t be accepted by all that read them, and I know that half the time people probably won’t even take the time out of their days to read my posts. But I have come to the conclusion that that’s okay, and I can’t be afraid of all the things that might go wrong, because what about all the things that might go right? If I impact just one person by being so vulnerable, I’ll be content knowing that I am one step closer to achieving my ultimate dream. I hope that everyone can look at themselves and see that they have nothing to fear in living life in whichever way makes them happiest, because at the end of the day, the scariest thought is to never have truly lived at all, or to have never at least given yourself the chance of being happy. The next time you question even the smallest of things, like whether or not you should smile at that person from across the coffee shop, challenge yourself to shed any doubts and actually follow through with your intentions. The worst that can happen is that you acknowledged the light and power within yourself, and the truth is, is that even though we might fall down a few times along the way, once we have discovered our own fearlessness, that’s when we will all be living our individual lives as close to our heart’s desire as possible.
Thanks for reading! I know I haven’t been as consistent with posting in the past, but I’m planning to put the energy into making this a big focus in my life from here on out!