Enriching Reads: Installment #2

Robert Frost once said, “Poetry is when an emotion found its thought and the thought has found words.” A couple years ago, I was on a weekend trip in the snowy woods, and I found myself in one of the cutest little bookstores ever. Being an avid writer and reader, I always get excited when I discover new, unique shops that support the written word, especially in its printed form. As I skimmed the titles on the shelves, this yellow book, tucked away on the very bottom shelf, struck me. And that is how I happened upon “The Gift,” which I feel truly lives up to its title, and I hope through me sharing this with you, you feel as though a little piece of magic has been bestowed upon you as well. 


I regard Hafiz’s “The Gift” as one of the most influential collections of writing that I have ever read. His words provoke such profound thoughts and feelings, and when I first read his poems, I was overwhelmed with this sense of connection that I had never fully experienced before. It amazed me that someone could write about concepts so far ahead of my time, yet touch me with them in a way that made me feel as if they were directly written for me to absorb. Hafiz’s poems helped me to put in perspective that we are all loved and never lonely, thanks to the powerful universe that we belong to. 

Excerpt from The Gift

Excerpt from The Gift

In the first verse of his poem “Looking for Good Fish,” Hafiz writes:

Why complain about life

If you are looking for good fish

And have followed some idiot

Into the middle of the copper market?

I interpreted this segment, which is representative of the poem as a whole, to mean that if we focus on the negative or continue to pursue paths that don’t proactively help your case, you really don’t have the authority to complain. His poem resolves in teaching us that we shouldn’t look beyond ourselves for fulfillment, love, and other emotional contentment, since we all have the universe flowing within us and have all been intentionally placed within this world that was created out of love. 

Hafiz, who was a Sufi master, has such an amazing way of highlighting the common threads throughout all of humanity and illuminating our oneness with the world. I think another beautiful aspect is that because it is poetry, it can be interpreted in multiple ways, further supporting the idea that we all experience similar feelings, just in different situations. Even if you just want to indulge in a few of Hafiz’s poems, I highly recommend seeking out his words. I hope this post and suggestion brings you some enlightenment! Feel free to comment below your favorite poem, thoughts that you experienced through them, or other reading suggestions! 

Ways to De-Stress and Slow Down

For me this week has been full of studying, (which I am sure anyone else who is a student can relate to, as finals are soon approaching!) and my abilities to manage stress have definitely been under the test! In an effort to help minimize stress and still enjoy this “crunch time,” I’ve compiled a list of my top three favorite ways to take a breather and regain perspective! (They are even great when you aren’t stressed!)

Three years ago, I was fortunate enough to travel to Costa Rica, and one of the biggest things I took away from that trip was the beauty of the Costa Rican people’s mastery of not stressing. Everything there seemed to work at a slower pace – a pace that allowed for a greater appreciation of the life and scenery surrounding them. They seemed to go through their daily lives with what I perceived to almost be an immense trust in superior guidance, which alleviated stress since they were able to accept that most things in life are out of their control.  I hope that these following acts can help to ground you at any moment in your life and relieve some of the stress that can often bog us down. 

Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica // January 2015

Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica // January 2015

1. Watch the Sunset!! – This is my absolute favorite way to detach myself from the overwhelming feelings of life and be reminded of the unfathomable beauty on this planet. Within the past few months, I had a revelation of how rarely people take the time to appreciate the sunset. Most of us simply just take it for granted, even though every day we have the opportunity to immerse ourselves into a free opportunity to see one of the most awing processes. Its something literally anyone, anywhere (although not at the same time!) can relate to, and every evening the sunset is different, so this practice never gets old!! It’s a great occasion to mull over internal thoughts, ponder life questions, or spend time with someone you love and enjoy the energy of life together!

2. Read Poetry!! – Poems are a great way to reinvigorate your sense of belonging on this Earth. My two favorite poetry books are “The Essential Rumi” and Hafiz’s collection, “The Gift.” Every time I read a work out of either of these two books, I remember that these are the words of people long before my time, yet they still resonate with me. And because of that, I realize I am not alone in my feelings and life explorations. Give yourself a ten-minute mental break to find a quote or poem, and then really absorb what it is saying. You might be surprised to find how refreshing it can be to hear your feelings put into words by someone else, reminding you of your individual importance and also your validity in this universe as a whole.

Costa Rica // January 2015

Costa Rica // January 2015

3. Grab a Hot Drink (with or without friends) – It might sound silly, something as simple as “grabbing a hot drink” as a way to help solve the stressors of life, but it can actually do the trick! Regardless if I am alone or with someone, the act of taking time to sip on something can be a great reminder of slowing down your pace and taking a step back from frantic energy. Whenever I am enjoying a tea or coffee, I push myself to not check my phone and completely soak in the present moment, savoring the flavors of the drink and taking my time to thoroughly enjoy it. I think often times we feel we can’t afford even the smallest of breaks, but I tend to find that the time we consider we would be wasting on things, even though they have the potential to actually benefit us, ends up getting wasted anyways as we aimlessly spend time on our phones. I think it is healthy to schedule blocks of time where you know you are going to dedicate yourself to something meaningful, because after, you feel so much more revitalized and can actually focus better when you return to your work.

These three things are small, but can have a big positive effect! And even if these don’t strike you as things you are interested in, there are plenty of other great de-stressors out there! The important thing is that you compile your own list of things that you can turn to when you need a little relief in your life. Remember to stay positive, and as my mom always reminds me for those things that are extra anxiety inducing, “This too shall pass.”