Bravely Stepping Into the Unknown

Life can often feel as daunting and uncertain as exploring the depths of an ocean. Sometimes we find ourselves in parts where light barely seeps through, where we feel alone, lost, and unsure about what we might experience in the next moments. 

Zion National Park, Utah // October 2020

Zion National Park, Utah // October 2020

While not quite the same, and far from the frightening dark with its incredible colors, the Narrows in Zion National Park require that one willingly enters into the unknown. There are so many uncontrollable factors – varying temperatures, water depth, strength of the currents, the uneven terrain - that remind hikers of their humanity and how nature cannot be tamed.  Wading through the Narrows means committing to trekking ahead, even in the moments when you aren’t certain where your foot will land or how high the water will meet you. If you hone in on the rapid current, or look ahead and realize you’ve lost sight of the ground, it can be easy to feel distressed. To get through moments of uncertainty, it can help to look up, take in the surrounding beauty, and remind yourself of all the elements you’ve already successfully overcome.  

It’s important to remember that sometimes you’ll have someone there to cheer you on, lend a supporting hand that you can literally lean on, and dust you off when you need some extra strength. Other times you’ll be forced to look around and find ways to work with what you have. And, the reality is, there will even be days when you’ll just have yourself to rely on – whether it’s a celebratory event or a low period. In these moments, we become strongest as we exercise our skills of surviving on our own, and it makes us more appreciative when we do have support around us. 


Personally, I know it can be extremely hard to muster up the courage to move forward. Sometimes recognizing all the support and love around you can actually make it harder, adding on a layer of “Why do I feel this way when there is so much positivity around me?” Guilt can seep in, compounding the negative feelings of not knowing what lie ahead. The effect that you are only sinking deeper and deeper may wash over. The key word is “effect;” the truth is that there have been challenges before and, often times, the worst outcomes of our daily stresses aren’t actually all that bad. Truly, it hurts us more to limit ourselves and remain stuck; It’s important to continue to make progress by bravely taking that bold step into the unknown. 

While hiking waist-deep through the cool, crisp water in Zion, I realized that it was easiest to trek when I went with the flow of the current and intuitively harnessed my momentum to leap from rock to rock. In this way, change is similar to a current. Resisting change and being frozen by fear, only makes it harder to navigate. Without surrendering to what might be and continuing our journey, we miss out on new possibilities and the potential to see an unthinkably beautiful sight around the corner. It’s about focusing on the fact that opportunity awaits, as opposed to the fact that you are halfway under water. 

It’s about focusing on the fact that opportunity awaits, as opposed to the fact that you are halfway under water. 

Without the power to predict the future, it is normal to get anxious about the unknown or feel overwhelmed. However, if we pause and log all that we’ve conquered in life, it’s easy to see that the magic in life is in all the crevices that we dare to explore. Cheers to being more fearless in this new year! xoxo

Compounding Change

Amidst these unique times, change has become obvious. We see differences in the way we navigate everyday activities, and modes of adaptation are at the top of the agenda as we discuss what our post-pandemic future may look like. As we continue to learn how to cope with the ever-evolving situation that our world is battling, we are also still experiencing the inevitable trials of human life that have always existed. Personally, I find myself dealing with immense feelings of change as I graduate college and attempt to transition into a new phase of life during this universal uncertainty.  

I am grappling with the reality that this current position is not what I had visualized for myself when I dreamt of becoming an official Berkeley graduate. The long-term planner in me had assumed that logically my first step in the real world would be to place my foot in the door of a stable career. After spending months preparing for dream opportunities, my prospects dissolved given the economic circumstances. However, in addition to a degree, my college years also bestowed me with valuable lessons that I believe will carry me farther than any formal education could. Once I got accepted into Berkeley, I thought I crossed off a big item from my life agenda; but, come freshman year I realized that there were holes in my fairly linear plan. I hadn’t thoroughly considered how my time at Berkeley would impact my identity beyond the classroom. Being a student was so engrained within me, and I soon found that there were points in my college career where my bigger objectives were to manage my relationships and maintain my health. Now - as I sit here writing this from the vantage point of straying from what I felt was a secure, original blueprint - I recognize that this period ahead is asking me to apply my larger ambitions and lessons to manifest abundance in all aspects of my life. Juggling the multitude of emotions and experiences over these last few years has essentially been like training my brain to stay balanced on a surfboard in an effort to ride out the waves of life with as much strength and confidence as possible. 

Berkeley, CA // March 2019

Berkeley, CA // March 2019

Balance cannot be achieved without training one’s focus. And, while the chaotic global climate has not been overwhelmingly positive, I will say that it has given me the gift of perspective. Last week, I took a solemn walk on campus as a goodbye gesture to the place I have considered home for the last four years. I noticed so many more details than my buzzy, rushed walks to classes ever allowed me to observe. My separation due to quarantine granted me with the ability to relish in the minutiae that I would not otherwise have missed until it was too late to soak them in one last time. A moment of epiphany occurred when I recognized that expecting this change was a blessing, and without the natural ebbs and flows of life I wouldn’t be able to enter this phase with the same brilliant force and appreciation behind me. I feel like my life up until this point has been the gradual baking and stacking of a cake; and, with my tiered foundation now in place, I am ready to continue the process towards my ultimate masterpiece, decorating myself and adding color along the way.

I suppose that in sum, we can never truly predict the dose of change that life will heap onto us; however, what we can do is choose the way we respond. In any situation it is important to stay open-minded to the lessons we may learn about ourselves, as well as foster gratitude. When we take the time to dive within and assess what we can and cannot control, we exercise our capability to remain stable during rocky times. Change has transformed our pasts into our present selves, and change is what is currently building us into better versions to embrace the future. Being thankful for growth relieves the blocks we subconsciously place on ourselves. It is by no means easy, but when we reach a point of self-trust we lose the tension and apprehension that comes with facing changes. 

Berkeley, CA // May 2019

Berkeley, CA // May 2019

These are scary times for many, and as we continue to face the natural ripples that affect us, we are also all weathering out this global tsunami. I encourage you all to notice your own strength and capabilities – your entire life up until this point has been one extensive course on how to stay afloat, and if you continue to hone in on maintaining your equilibrium, you will not have to fear even the biggest of breakers. While life can seem stagnate at times, other stages offer more action and require more adaptation. Let us not fail to remember that we have all survived changes before, and we have the power to conquer what may lie ahead. xoxo

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.
— Rumi

Approaching 2019 Authentically

With only a couple days left until 2019 begins, we have reached that point of the year where there is much talk about “New Year’s Resolutions.” While I think that a fresh year does provide a wonderful slate for us to evaluate and set goals, the idea of a resolutionconjures up the connotation of something we have been unhappy about and want to leave behind, as opposed to the idea of an intention, where we aim towards something, freeing ourselves from the notion of something negative while we set our sights on something positive. My personal intention of 2018 was to not let anyone dim my light, realizing that one person’s shine does not take away from someone else’s. For my upcoming intention, I have chosen to focus on trusting and living my truth, recognizing that everything will fall into place if I surrender and live life as authentically as possible.

Mammoth Lakes, CA // December 2018

Mammoth Lakes, CA // December 2018

One of the foundations on which I built this blog was the idea that if we all strived towards our own positive lives, we could radiate that onto others and thus have a domino effect, resulting in an overall happier and more cohesive society. However, while we hope to be positive influences to those around us, it can be hard to separate from the power of others who might stray us from our individual progress. We live in a world where it is so easy to interact with and be inspired by others, but that also means that we expose ourselves to more information, news, and social media platforms that can set us back in our pursuit of pure bliss. Some people are stronger than others when it comes to ignoring how they are perceived by others or making decisions completely on their own, and while there is nothing wrong with surrounding yourself with supportive and guiding souls, it is important to never lose sight of the messages in your own heart and mind. 

Tying together my 2018 and 2019 intentions, I hope to provide the message that we can all be successful and happy, and that a big part in reaching this for ourselves, is to wish success and happiness for others. Therefore, do not get dismayed by those who attempt to dim your light or upheave you from the path you are forging. Advice from outsiders can be quite beneficial, but if it does not resonate with you, move on. Like I have said before, there are multiple routes to the same outcome, that’s why the element of trust and knowing that you are currently the most aligned with your heart and soul are important factors. Trust not only means surrendering yourself to what the universe has planned for you, but it also means believing in yourself, so that when unwanted and unwarranted energies or comments enter your life, you are strong enough to keep shining your most pure light. After all, no one experiences life through your eyes and heart except for you. You are your own most genuine guide.

Convict Lake, CA // December 2018

Convict Lake, CA // December 2018

Reflect on this past year and think of all the things you have learned and gained, and set your own intentions for 2019 so that you can continue to live a life that you are content with. As I write this, I realize that many of my posts are “intention-like,” often focusing on aspects of life that I think are important and that have either helped me or I am presently working on as well. So with everything that I have learned this year, I hope that you too have learned something, either from my posts or in general, and that you keep on growing and evolving, because truly that is what life is all about. The journey doesn’t ever really end. You climb up the steep trails to one scenic lookout, and then you drive right back down searching for the next oasis on the horizon. Wishing everyone a very happy end to 2018 and a wonderful new year ahead! May we all be fearless, patient, grateful, open-minded, authentic, and trusting; here’s to loving one another and embracing new experiences! xoxo